Robert Crocker

Developer, community builder, and creator of useful things.

Featured Projects

Bookmark Landing Page

Bookmark Landing Page

This challenge will really test your layout skills. There are also areas that will require some JavaScript, such as the tabbed features section and the FAQ accordion.

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Room Homepage

Room Homepage

This small homepage challenge packs a big punch to test your layout skills. There's also a slider in there to add a JS layer for extra practice.

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Loopstudio Landing Page

Loopstudio Landing Page

This challenge is perfect if you're looking to test your CSS Grid chops. Even without Grid, this project will be a fun one to help you practice your layout skills!

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NFT Card Component

NFT Card Component

This HTML & CSS only challenge is perfect for anyone just starting out or anyone wanting a small project to play around with.

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Password Generator App

Password Generator App

This app will be an excellent test of your HTML, CSS, and JS skills. You'll build custom form controls and use JavaScript to generate random passwords.

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Frontend Quiz App

Frontend Quiz App

This app will test your skills (as well as your knowledge!) as you build out a fully functional quiz. We provide a local JSON file to help you practice working with JSON!

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Tip Calculator App

Tip Calculator App

This small app is perfect for anyone starting to get to grips with JavaScript. The calculator functionality will be a nice test!

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Profile Card Component

Profile Card Component

This is a perfect challenge to test your layout skills. The card layout doesn't shift, so it's also great for those that haven't dived into responsive websites yet!

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Time Tracking Dashboard

Time Tracking Dashboard

A perfect opportunity to practice your CSS Grid skills. For anyone wanting to take it up a notch, we provide a JSON data file to practice working with data.

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Newsletter Sign Up Form

Newsletter Sign Up Form

This will test your skills with basic form structure, validation, and submission. The success state will also be an excellent opportunity to work with DOM manipulation.

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Article Preview Component

Article Preview Component

Practice your layout skills with this article preview component. There's lots of fun to be had playing around with animations for the sharing icons as well.

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Recipe Page

Recipe Page

This challenge will help you focus on writing semantic HTML. Ensure you think through what HTML elements are most appropriate for each piece of content.

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Social Links Profile

Social Links Profile

In this small project, you'll build out your social link-sharing profile. You can even personalize it and use it to share all your social profiles!

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QR Code Component

QR Code Component

A perfect first challenge if you're new to HTML and CSS. The card layout doesn't shift, so it's ideal if you haven't learned about building responsive layouts yet.

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Result Summary Component

Result Summary Component

This challenge has something for everyone. It’s a HTML and CSS only project, but we’ve also provided a JSON file of the test results for anyone wanting to practice JS.

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FAQ Accordion

FAQ Accordion

In this challenge, you'll build an FAQ accordion. This is an extremely common front-end pattern, so it's an excellent opportunity to get some practice in!

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Blog Preview Component

Blog Preview Component

This HTML & CSS-only challenge is a perfect project for beginners getting up to speed with HTML and CSS fundamentals, like HTML structure and the box model.

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